Cash For Class?

Birdsong has come across information about NYU Law School that he hopes will not take root at Barry University Law School.

According to a New York Post article of July 27, 2008, at NYU Law, cash can buy you a class.  Seems that students at the school are wheeling and dealing for seats in the most popular classes.  Offers of cold hard cash, baked goods, Starbucks gift certificates and the suggestion of inappropriate favors allegedly flooded the schools internet forum, as desperate law students advertised to win coveted spots before the September 3 cutoff of the add/drop period.  Other postings solicit offers for seats in very popular and timely classes such as Environmental Law and Capital Punishment.

NYU class registration works on a lottery basis.  After courses are distributed, students can drop courses or seek to add them.  Because there are no waiting lists, students make under the table deals to swap seats by arranging for one to drop a class just a moment before the other shows up to add the class to their schedule.

The Vice Dean of the law school has sent an email to all of the school’s students reminding them “that trading class spots for money or goods, or offering to do so, is a violation of law school rules.”

It should certainly be a violation of school rules.

Again, Birdsong hopes this sort of thing will not take root at Barry Law…because he knows students will do almost anything to get into his courses

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