Associate Dean Birdsong??

Birdsong has been teaching at the Barry University School of Law since August, 1998.  Birdsong has loved teaching law and helping to turn out new lawyers.   Professor Birdsong was recently recommended for promotion to a full professorship at the Law School.  On the heels of this promotion, Leticia Diaz, Dean of the Law School, has  asked Birdsong to serve as Administrative Dean for the Barry School of Law.

The position will require him to oversee the day to day functioning of the Barry University School of  Law.  Birdsong looks forward to beginning his new duties on April 1, 2009.

Stay tuned to this blog to learn how Birdsong handles his new duties as Administrative Dean.


  1. uk visa March 26, 2009
  2. Lexie Kardon March 29, 2009
  3. Lisabeth Fryer March 29, 2009
  4. Shirley Huang April 1, 2009

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