MISSOURI: A gubernatorial candidate in St. Louis who had been touting his economics degree was unmasked as a liar when a local newspaper discovered he had left out the word “home” in “home economics” degree. David Spence claimed to be an economics major in his campaign fliers and on his Web site. He maintains that the controversy was “overblown.”
CALIFORNIA: A paraplegic man is suing two stores in a California shopping mall after they refused to let him inside accompanied by his service animal. The animal happened to be a minihorse. The 29 inch pony pulled a wheelchair for the man, who is seeking $4,000 from each of the businesses.
PENNSYLVANIA: How is this for stupid? Keith Rebori held up a Poconos pharmacy and left behind a great clue used to track him down – his birth certificate. Rebori, 23, held up the East Stroudsburg CVS pharmacy for painkillers on Thanksgiving of 2011. Nearby, police found a hooded sweatshirt used in the hold up and a backpack containing his birth certificate.
INDIANA: Clinton Edwards, 27, was shot in the leg while trying to burglarize a home in rural Indiana. He did not let a little blood stop him though. After fleeing the scene of that burglary he fled across the county line and despite his wound allegedly pulled another burglary. He was caught and arrested shortly after this second burglary.