Weird Criminal Law Stories 55

More weird and funny criminal law stories by birdsongslaw blog.

Des Moines, IA:  Not a leg left to stand on! When police arrested a Des Moines man for stealing an artificial leg, they confiscated the prosthetic limb and left him hobbling.  Rogoberto Zarazua Rubio, who was fitted for the leg at a medical supply store, walked out to take it for a test spin and allegedlynever  returned to pay for it.

He is  now as disadvantaged as the proverbial “one legged man in an ass-kicking contest.”

South Carolina;  Here’s another one.  Officials have exhumed the body of a 6-foot-7 minister after hearing rumors that his legs were cut off because the mortician had ordered a coffin that was too small.  After opening the exhumed coffin, cops said only that “there were problems with the body,” and criminal charges are expected.

Go on…..say it…..The funeral home doesn’t have a leg to stand on.  Yuk, Yuk, Yuk…

Detroit, MI: Detroit police reuffled some feathers by shuttung down an organized pillow fight at a downtown park.  Police confiscated pillows — but returned their pillow cases — to the organizers.  Pillow combatant Scott Harris, 48, complained that it is “not illegal to own a pillow,” but cops insisted the event needed a permit because of cleanup issues.

Wham-bam, thank you ma’am!

Iowa City, IA: This sleepy college town has nothing on New York or Chicago.  A man here was mugged twice within 30 minutes.  First a group of six men approached the 22 year old victim asking for cigarettes before jumping him to steal his smokes.  Minutes later, while walking in an alley, he was attacked by at least four men, who knocked him down before stealing his watch and wallet.

Sounds like “townies” gone wild!

Tampa, FL: A Florida rapper was booed off stage at a fraternity talent show, and apparnetly didn’t take the rejection well.  He allegedly waited outside the Tampa auditorium, waved a gun at departing  audience members and got busted on a gun rap.


Douglas, AZ : Dog turns up nose at paintings at the border!  A man taken into custody in Arizona after custom agents found 90 pounds of pot hidden in the frames of six large paintings in his vehicle.  Agents picked the vehicle for a routine inspection at the border crossing in Douglas and their  drug sniffing dog showed an immediate interest in the paintings.  An X-ray revealed pot in the frames.

‘Shocked!  I’m  shocked that there is pot in there…” said the man, I’ll bet.

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