Mission Viejo, CA: OMG! In July 2009, a man in Mission Viejo sued a restaurant chain after he says he found a condom in his onion soup. Zdenek Philip Hodousek says he wants the employees of the Claim Jumper restaurant to give DNA samples to see if they match what was found on the condom. The restaurant says they do not believe his story.
Utah: A seven year old boy in Utah hopped in his father’s car and drove off, leading cops on a mile long chase – all because he didn’t want to go to church. Police say the boy is too young to prosecute, but have urged his father to put his car keys somewhere more inaccessible.
Zoom Zoom…
New Zealand: A driver who killed two people in a high speed wreck in New Zealand claimed he was driving a time machine that needed to reach 100 mph to go into a time warp. A judge ordered Mark Paul Warren, 26, into a mental institution after he was deemed unable to stand trial.
Houston, TX: The wrong sub shop! A thief who attempted to rob a sub shop in Houston got a big surprise. As he jumped over the counter of the shop, the clerk punched him out. Customers jumped in to Taser and cuff the crook.
Instead of a sub sounds like he got a “knuckle sandwich.”
Walkersville, MD: Zero tolerance has run amok in Maryland, where a girl’s softball coach was canned for serving beer at a party – to adults! Walkersville High School coach Brad Young served the beer to parents who accompanied their kids to a team party at his home. He didn’t even bring the beer himself, and no one had more than one or two. However, one parent at the party filed a complaint with the school board, and Young was banned from coaching.
Blame it all on the silly snitch…