California: A DMV clerk in this state was suspended after she allegedly used a state database to find a transgender woman in order to send her a letter condemning her sex change. The letter was received four days after the clerk processed the license application of Amber, formerly David, Yust. It is alleged that the clerk wrote, “The homosexual act is an abomination that leads to hell.”
Yep, they do cling to their guns and their religion.
Germany: German police raided the apartment of a man after they were tipped off that the Koblenz man had a Christmas tree which was actually a six foot tall marijuana plant. And that is what they found when they went into the man’s living room, a six foot tall marijuna plant adorned with lights. Although the man said he had not finished decorating his tree police seized it for evidence.
Merry THC!
Niceville, FL: An allegedly intoxicated employee of the city of Niceville was arrested after he interrupted a Christmas parade by hopping onto one of the floats and threatening to beat up the driver.
Things are not really so nice in Niceville, are they?
Niceville, FL: Here ‘s another one from Niceville. A 15 year old boy was arrested after stealing a $400 bicycle and returning it the next day because he found it had a leaking tire. The bicycle had been in the bike rack outside of Niceville High School and the theft was caught on surveillance tape.
Well, he tried to be nice in Niceville…Still got arrested.
Washington State: It has been reported that the corrections department estimates it will save $120,000 a year by eliminating juice dispensers, and giving inmates juice boxes instead. Also, the department claims it will save another $22,000 by issuing inmates shorter socks.
Juice boxes are just silly for grown men and women felons. What we really want to know is how short will those socks be?