Washington, DC: We learn that a congressman’s Twitter account was hacked. A cyber vandal broke into the account of freshman Representative Bill Johnson (R- Ohio), replacing his photo with an image of a nude man. Capitol Police, House of Representatives security and Twitter have all launched investigations of the matter.
Where was former Rep. Anthony Wiener when this happened?
Cattaraugus County, NY: An Amish youth in western New York state was arrested for alleged drunk driving. He was in his his horse and buggy. The youth was clopping along in his horse drawn buggy when a police officer spotted an open can of beer in the buggy, according to the police report. Deputies accused Lewis Hostetler,17, of DWI, rowdiness, and resisting arrest.
All in a horse and buggy? This one will never hold up in court….
Littlefield, TX: An insolvent Texas town solved its debt problem by selling its jail. A private prison firm paid $6 million for the Bill Clayton Detention Center in Littlefield, beating out two other bidders.
Are there that many people looking to buy jails?
BANGLADESH: How’s this for punishment? Officials in Bangladesh have sentenced a man who allegedly “married” a 12 year old girl to walk down his hometown’s main street naked with a brick attached to his penis by a string while facing his neighbors’ derision.
Boy, this punishment will certainly serve the purpose of general deterrence.