CANADA: This story sounds flaccid. A 10 foot tall waterfront bush was mysteriously trimmed down into a penis shaped shrub, to the embarrassment of Windsor, Ontario, officials who had not noticed the bush until TV news crews pointed it out.
KANSAS: QED! We learn that police in Wichita, had hoped that paring a trailer-mounted radar gun in plain sight along a road notorious for reckless driving would make drivers slow down. Wrong. A few hours after moving the radar gun into place a driver going far beyond the speed limit rammed into the trailer destroying the $3,000 radar gun.
COLORDO: Authorities think the crook may have been an organ grinder. After arranging to buy a pet capuchin monkey from a woman in Grand Junction, the bandit pepper-sprayed the seller and stole the monkey. The man is described as being in his 40’s with a beard and a vest.
NORTH DAKOTA: He wasn’t a thief; he was only hungry – and thirsty. A lady in Bismarck summoned police to her house and told them that a burglar broke into her house around 7 am that day, went into her kitchen and cooked bacon in her microwave. Nothing else was stolen; however, the lady advised police that the burglar had washed the bacon down with several Bud Lights.