ARIZONA: His number should be on the no dial list. It has been reported that a minister used his church’s telephone number in ads to recruit prostitutes. Walter Brazington, 55, a minister for the All Nations Evangelistic Team tried to lure women to a brothel in the town of Broken Arrow, police report. Preacher Brazington is being accused of buying classified ads seeking “massage therapists.”
KENTUCKY: They Say it was not so smooth a robbery. A thief robbed a gas station in Louisville while armed with a tube of hand lotion, according to police. William Walls, 35, was wearing a mask and carrying a sack in which he indicated he had a gun. Walls snatched a bag of cash – but dropped the sack the sack which contained only hand lotion and no gun. He was soon arrested on charges of armed robbery.
OREGON: Yo home, smell you later? We learn that a mom was so tired of a crook who swiped a package from her front porch that she staged a revenge plan with her infant son’s dirty diapers. Angie Boliek, of the town of Hillsboro, stuffed 15 of the poopy diapers in a cardboard box, along with a note that maintained, “Enjoy this you thief.” She left the trap outside her house, and someone swiped in less of a day. Bet they got a nasty surprise!
SOUTH CAROLINA: What a Doofuss. Franklin Hayes 31, was arrested for meth possession in Newbury South Carolina. On the day of his preliminary hearing Hayes was arrested again at the courthouse with more of the drug on him. When deputies searched him at the entrance to the courthouse they discovered four grams of meth in his pants pocket.
OREGON: These jerks needed the fashion police, badly! It appears that spelling-challenged vandals scrawled the message “Satin lives” inside a church. The idiots busted a lock on a message board at the house of worship in Forest Grove – and left behind the would-be ominous message. The probably meant to praise “Satan,” not the fabric we call “satin.”