Weird Criminal Law Stories # 615: Body builder bruiser

NEW YORK: Body builder bruiser? It has been reported that an 82-year-old Rochester lady – who happens to be an award-winning body builder, threw a table at a man who broke into her home. She also emptied a shampoo bottle on his face and hit him with a broom until police came and took the bandit to a hospital, “He picked the wrong house to break into,” said the woman, Willie Murphy, who can dead lift 225 pounds. WOW!

NORTH CAROLINA: No good deed goes unpunished. We learn that a man was arrested for impersonating a police officer – after he helped police to nab a suspect. The story: police in the town of Wilson had stopped a car while searching for a murder suspect when the vehicle suddenly took off. That is when David Adams, 30, allegedly sped past the police and caught up to the suspects’ car – then forced them out at gunpoint and hand cuffed him. Unfortunately, Adams was arrested, as were the men in the car.

.RUSSIA: The headline read, “You have to be kitten.” The story is a true one about a drunken man who allegedly used a cat as a weapon to rough up a police officer. Gennady Shcherbakov appeared to be drunk in his Moscow apartment building stairwell, prompting a neighbor to call the police. When the police arrived, he tossed a cat at the officer – and the cat badly scratched the officer’s face. Mr. S faces a five-year sentence in prison for assaulting a police officer.

TEXAS: The headline read, “No baloney! U.S border agents seized more than 150 pounds of bologna from a driver at a Texas-Mexico crossing. The courier told the agents he had rolls of frozen turkey ham in his pickup truck, but it turned out it was Mexican pork bologna. The meat was destroyed because it could bring foreign-animal diseases ito the U.S.

UNITED KINGDOM: A real “soap” opera. We learn that a British woman got stuck in her bathtub for eight days and was finally saved thanks to a food delivery worker. The meals on Wheels employee became concerned when the lady who is in her 70’s and has mobility issues, didn’t place her weekly order.

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