Weird Criminal Law Stories #647: More Coronavirus Stories

MALAYSIA:  Ladies don’t nag your husbands…  The Malaysian government launched a public-service announcement urging that women “avoid nagging” their spouses during the coronavirus lockdown – sparking criticism. The ad, released by the Minister of Women, Family & Community Development, also advised women working from home to dress up, wear makeup and speak in a soothing voice.

OREGON: Toilet paper shortage woes? Some residents of Oregon have  been calling 911 over a coronavirus-related toilet paper shortage, forcing police to issue a warning. “Do not call 911 just because you ran out of toilet paper. You will survive,” the Newport Police Department said on Facebook. To wipe away the problem the department suggested possible bathroom alternatives, including using “receipts, newspaper or cloth rags.”

SPAIN: DINO- CORONA VIRUS? A man criticized his country’s corona virus lockdown by dressing up as a tyrannosaurus Rex and going for a stroll. Police in Vista-bella stopped the man and gave him a warning. Residents are banned from going out, except to buy food, go to work or get medical help.

PHILIPPINES: April 1, 2020 Edict! The controversial President Rodrigo Duterte has warned that anyone who violates the nation’s coronavirus lockdown rules and abuses medical workers would be shot dead. The volatile leader said in a televised address that it was vital that everyone stay at home as authorities try to stem the spread of the virus, which has killed about 100 people and infected over 2,300 in the country.

OREGON: Miracle Recovery for an Old Timer. We learn that a tough-as-nails World War II veteran beat the Coronavirus – recovering in time to celebrate his 104th birthday. William “Bill” Lapshies was one of the first two residents to test positive for the virus at  a Veteran’s Home in  the  town of Lebanon. “I made it,” he said. “Good for a few more years.” A REAL TROOPER!

INDIA: Scary sci-fi-type getup to beat coronavirus? It has been reported that a police officer is enforcing coronavirus lockdown rules. At Chennai checkpoints police Inspector Rajesh Babu has been wearing a helmet covered in red spikes with bulbs on the end like the microscopic images of the virus. A local artist who made the helmet said he wanted people to be “frightened” seeing the virus coming toward them.

FLORIDA: OUCH! But did she really have the virus? A woman was arrested in March 2020 for allegedly attacking her boyfriend because he refused to have sex with her. When an ambulance arrived, she coughed into the face of one of the paramedics – claiming she had the Corona virus, police said. LaDonald Holmes, 38, of Lake County allegedly kicked and punched the boyfriend, breaking his nose before he called 911. Police report that Holmes, who was ultimately sedated, shouted, “I have Corona virus.” We do not know whether she did have the virus. NO TESTING DONE ON HER…

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