ALABAMA: The headline read, “Cap’n Punch.” Police report that an Alabama man became so mad when his roommate left a box of Cap’n Crunch cereal open, he beat him up and was promptly sent to jail. Duane Smith, 52, of the town of Moundville, flipped out because he has no teeth and the breakfast food is more difficult to chew when it’s stale.
ALASKA: The headline read, “The robbery suspect was caught cold. We learn that a 34-year-old man who robbed a Taco Bell in Anchorage tried to evade police by burying his black coat in the snow nearby. However, police officers who found the coat simply followed the tracks in the snow until they found the suspect, by then shivering in the cold temperature.
CALIFORNIA: Methamphetamine filled burritos? Los Angeles police arrested a motorist early this year after discovering 14 meth stuffed burritos wrapped in foil in his car during a traffic stop. The LAPD the arrest on Twitter stating, “14 burritos and a gun off the streets thanks to #LAPD Rampart Officers
CANADA: The headline read, police work has gone to pot in Canada. The story reveals that two Toronto officers allegedly tripped out after sampling the goods from a marijuana-dispensary raid, authorities said. One of the officers became so high on edible weed that he had to be rescued from a tree. It appears that on of the officers while hallucinating on the pot climbed a tree and got stuck and could not get down on his own.
CANADA: The headline read, “They were money hungry. It has been reported that bank robbers led police on a chase across a Canadian town, only to be arrested in the drive through lane of a fast food restaurant. The bandits, who allegedly robbed a bank in the town of Richibucto, were caught mid-snack at a Tim Horton’s, according to police.